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Could Monkeys Really Type All of Shakespeare?


原文标题:Could Monkeys Really Type All of Shakespeare? Not in this universe, a new study concludes.
作者:Alexander Nazaryan



•The long-established result of the Infinite Monkeys Theorem is correct, but misleading.
•Non-trivial text generation during the lifespan of our universe is almost certainly impossible.
•The Finite Monkeys case shows there will never be sufficient resources to generate Shakespeare.

The Infinite Monkeys Theorem has long-established the eventual certainty of the complete works of William Shakespeare being reproduced by a monkey randomly pressing keys on a typewriter. This only considers the infinite limit, with either an infinite number of monkeys and/or an infinite time period of monkey labour. Here, we consider the Finite Monkeys Theorem and look at the probability of a given string being typed by one of a finite number of monkeys within a finite time allocation consistent with estimates for the lifespan of our universe. We also calculate the expected number of keystrokes until a target string would first be produced. Given the expected time until the heat death of the universe, we demonstrate that the widely-accepted conclusion from the Infinite Monkeys Theorem is, in fact, misleading in our finite universe. As such, this places the theorem in a class of probabilistic problems or paradoxes, including the St. Petersburg paradox, Zeno’s dichotomy paradox and the Ross–Littlewood paradox wherein the infinite-resource conclusions directly contradict those obtained when considering limited resources, however sizeable.



原文:A numerical evaluation of the Finite Monkeys Theorem

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